Friday 28 May 2010

Spindle Launch Party

Last thursday was one of those days. Those kind of days which cannot be more jam packed if you tried. Wake up. Go to philosophy lesson. Go to dance rehearsal. Go to dance tech rehearsal. Nervously dance in front of examiner for last ever A level dance performance. Run to Spindle Magazine preperation area (a la Kuku club). Walk down catwalk. Take off make-up. Go to bed. Yes, it was one of those days; the ones you spend all night wondering how you will pack in, how you will you will find time to eat, shower and change clothes. One of those days you love.

Picture of me and another model lydia backstage at the show.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

My McCoy

They say all girls love a bad boy, but do all girls ink infested musicians? I think so. Ever since Travis McCoy has been on the scene, me and my cousin have shared an adoration for him. For me he's the new Pharell Willams.. definitley dreamy

Sunday 9 May 2010

When I grow up I want to…..finish college?

With only two weeks left of college, I can’t help but think of how fast the past two years have gone. I remember the last days of school so clearly, thinking how we had life sorted thanks to the bubble that is secondary school. Looking back at the pictures from my last weeks of being a so called school girl, I can see the excitement we all had in our eyes (as well as the sadness, naturally); we couldn’t wait to go to college. Who wouldn’t want to wake up at eleven and not wear school uniform?

Some say college is the best time of your life, whilst others just see it as a mere step to university. I started by thinking that it was a new thrilling way of independent learning but the lessons dragged on and exams came and passed and the buzz soon faded. I started to miss my old school days, the simple times of having nothing to do on a Friday evening but still managing to have an ‘amazing night’. College certainly didn’t offer the same strong friendship group I had had at school as we all went our separate ways; most of us had been friends for many years and got to share the transition from child to teen, experiencing all the good and not so good bits together. If I had to say what the biggest difference in a secondary school child’s character was in comparison with a college student, I’d say their ignorance. Although this may seem that I am saying that when you are young you do not care, even Wikipedia notes that ignorance is not the same as being unintelligent, what I am in fact saying is that they embrace their innocence; develop their character by what seems ignoring ‘big world wide world’ problems.

I think one of the reasons I dislike college so much is that it opens ones eyes to this so called big world but doesn’t allow you to do anything about it. You can learn responsibility but still come home to your mum asking you why she got a text from college about your attendance, you can even be independent by getting a job but should really follow the advised ‘no more than twelve hours a week’ work limit.

for me, college wasn’t the best time of my life but it wasn’t the worse; when I leave I will feel mere indifference to it. I am excited now to attempt to use what I have learnt when I enter ‘real life’ and travel round the world. I am now not someone that has the blessing of ignorance; college has made me remove the rose tinted glasses. I left school with aspirations of being a fashion editor, a barrister, a model, well simply something amazing and now I'm leaving college just wanting to be, well a college graduate.

Friday 7 May 2010

Kim Kardashian

Just found this picture of one of my most favourite famous ladies. I can't help but adore her. Not really too sure why but I certainly wouldn't mind looking like her thats for sure!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Anyone can be a model right?

I did a shoot the other day and it was in a grave yard which we didn't realise we weren't really suppose to take pictures there without permission. It seemed the police were more interested in getting in pictures with us!

Backstage Fun

When you see a fashion show or even look at a photo in a magazine, it's hard to picture all thge chaos that has gone on prior to that second of amazement. You wouldn't believe that a model would be in hair for two hours just to walk up and down the catwalk for 30 seconds or that they would even get their hair dyed for one photo shoot.

Recently I have been thinking do people really know the backstage chaos and if they did, would they be seducted by the performance?

This is me backstage at London Fashion Week

Backstage at Mad Hatter Fashion Show

Backstage photo from the greatest fashion show ever

And sometimes, models do even read backstage for some calmer moments